Week 8: History of the Blog

We have n=both been interested with the ideas and theory surrounding the archive and the blog, both notting the implications and ramifications of archiving. Jason in particular has paid special attention to 'our' format, the blog. If the topic of the blog interested you, please see Jason's page for more information. 

The 'Blog' is a very modern phenomenon, extremely different to the act of diary keeping, the blog is not hidden under the mattress a private and personal text. The blog demands our attention, without it, the blog does not exist. Last year Jason wrote a blog on 'John Soane: The Original Blogger' , within this essay styled as a blog, he explored the notion that the famous architect Sir John Soane was the original blogger. 

The essay explored the ideas of blogging, what it means to blog, how this is different from keeping a diary, the history of the blog, and how the defination of text as a blog implicates the author and the subject.
Jason will provide a link to this Essay/Blog on his page as he feels that is very useful over-view of this thing called 'Blogging'

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